Tuesday 5 March 2013

I'm getting antsy!

Welcome to the musings of a full time personal trainer, business owner, runner and "must always be busy" mama of 4...who is now off with my newborn baby girl. So on day 8 after delivery I have a gorgeous baby girl and I am getting very antsy to get my body moving!
My husband thinks I'm nuts but I'm dying to start running again and working out. I'm trying to lay low since its only been 8 days since I had Isabella but when you haven't done something you love for month and months... It's hard!
I'm like most mama's, we want to get back to our pre-baby bodies but I still do realize I'm recovering on the inside too. So I will do small planks on my knees, some TRX upper body at a minimal angle and walking for a few more weeks.
BUT once week 3 hits... I'm off to the races baby! Setting some big goals and using some of the awesome equipment at the studio to get back!
Stay tuned for more in the mind of a crazy mama of 4!

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