Thursday 10 January 2013

Well the time has come

Everyone has been asking me when I will start to slow down with work and transition some groups/clients to our new trainers...time has come.
I am now 8wks from due date and unfortunately with my schedule as busy as it is, it's starting to effect my blood pressure. I have been able to manage this whole pregnancy with no medication and amazing blood pressure, but my body is telling me it's time to slow down.
I'm excited to have Elise Cunningham and Jeff McLaren joining our team along with Kirstin Harmes who many of you already know.
I will be posting Elise and Jeff's bio so you can get an idea of their experience and background and you will be seeing them around the studio shadowing with me before they take over some of my schedule.
Thank-you all for understanding and I promise that the workouts will be the same results oriented quality as you are used to finding at Performance Fitness and the professionalism and knowledge of our certified trainers is always of highest quality.
See you in the studio!

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